
GtkSourceLanguage —


#include <gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage.h>

gchar*      gtk_source_language_get_name    (GtkSourceLanguage *language);
gchar*      gtk_source_language_get_section (GtkSourceLanguage *language);
GSList*     gtk_source_language_get_tags    (GtkSourceLanguage *language);
gunichar    gtk_source_language_get_escape_char
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language);
GSList*     gtk_source_language_get_mime_types
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language);
void        gtk_source_language_set_mime_types
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language,
                                             const GSList *mime_types);
GtkSourceStyleScheme* gtk_source_language_get_style_scheme
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language);
void        gtk_source_language_set_style_scheme
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language,
                                             GtkSourceStyleScheme *scheme);
GtkSourceTagStyle* gtk_source_language_get_tag_style
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language,
                                             const gchar *tag_id);
void        gtk_source_language_set_tag_style
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language,
                                             const gchar *tag_id,
                                             const GtkSourceTagStyle *style);
GtkSourceTagStyle* gtk_source_language_get_tag_default_style
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language,
                                             const gchar *tag_id);

Object Hierarchy



            void        user_function      (GtkSourceLanguage *sourcelanguage,
                                            gchar             *arg1,
                                            gpointer           user_data)           : Run last




typedef struct _GtkSourceLanguage GtkSourceLanguage;

gtk_source_language_get_name ()

gchar*      gtk_source_language_get_name    (GtkSourceLanguage *language);

Returns the localized name of the language.

language : a GtkSourceLanguage.
Returns : the name of language.

gtk_source_language_get_section ()

gchar*      gtk_source_language_get_section (GtkSourceLanguage *language);

Returns the localized section of the language. Each language belong to a section (ex. HTML belogs to the Markup section).

language : a GtkSourceLanguage.
Returns : the section of language.

gtk_source_language_get_tags ()

GSList*     gtk_source_language_get_tags    (GtkSourceLanguage *language);

Returns a list of tags for the given language. You should unref the tags and free the list after usage.

language : a GtkSourceLanguage.
Returns : a list of GtkSourceTag objects.

gtk_source_language_get_escape_char ()

gunichar    gtk_source_language_get_escape_char
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language);

Gets the value of the ESC character in the given language.

language : a GtkSourceLanguage.
Returns : the value of the ESC character.

gtk_source_language_get_mime_types ()

GSList*     gtk_source_language_get_mime_types
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language);

Returns a list of mime types for the given language. After usage you should free each element of the list as well as the list itself.

language : a GtkSourceLanguage.
Returns : a list of mime types (strings).

gtk_source_language_set_mime_types ()

void        gtk_source_language_set_mime_types
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language,
                                             const GSList *mime_types);

Sets a list of mime_types for the given language. If mime_types is NULL this function will use the default mime types from the language file.

language : a GtkSourceLanguage
mime_types : a list of mime types (strings).

gtk_source_language_get_style_scheme ()

GtkSourceStyleScheme* gtk_source_language_get_style_scheme
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language);

Gets the style scheme associated with the given language.

language : a GtkSourceLanguage.
Returns : a GtkSourceStyleScheme.

gtk_source_language_set_style_scheme ()

void        gtk_source_language_set_style_scheme
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language,
                                             GtkSourceStyleScheme *scheme);

Sets the style scheme of the given language.

language : a GtkSourceLanguage.
scheme : a GtkSourceStyleScheme.

gtk_source_language_get_tag_style ()

GtkSourceTagStyle* gtk_source_language_get_tag_style
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language,
                                             const gchar *tag_id);

Gets the style of the tag whose ID is tag_id. If the style is not defined then returns the default style.

language : a GtkSourceLanguage.
tag_id : the ID of a GtkSourceTag.
Returns : a GtkSourceTagStyle.

gtk_source_language_set_tag_style ()

void        gtk_source_language_set_tag_style
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language,
                                             const gchar *tag_id,
                                             const GtkSourceTagStyle *style);

Sets the style of the tag whose ID is tag_id. If style is NULL restore the default style.

language : a GtkSourceLanguage.
tag_id : the ID of a GtkSourceTag.
style : a GtkSourceTagStyle.

gtk_source_language_get_tag_default_style ()

GtkSourceTagStyle* gtk_source_language_get_tag_default_style
                                            (GtkSourceLanguage *language,
                                             const gchar *tag_id);

Gets the default style of the tag whose ID is tag_id.

language : a GtkSourceLanguage.
tag_id : the ID of a GtkSourceTag.
Returns : a GtkSourceTagStyle.

Signal Details

The "tag-style-changed" signal

void        user_function                  (GtkSourceLanguage *sourcelanguage,
                                            gchar             *arg1,
                                            gpointer           user_data)           : Run last

sourcelanguage : the object which received the signal.
arg1 :
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.